Stool (Clostridum Difficile)

Step 1

Wash and dry your hands thoroughly.

Step 2
Collect stool sample into a clean dry container such as a disposable food container, or onto plastic wrap stretched under the toilet seat.

Do not contaminate sample with urine or toilet water!

Step 3
Using the scoop attached to the lid of the container, add 2-3 scoops of stool into the sample container.

Step 4
Replace the lid and tighten firmly.

Step 5
Wash hands thoroughly after collection.

Step 6
Label the container with the patient’s first and last name, MCP, and the date and time of collection of the sample.

Step 7
For sanitary reasons, the container must be enclosed in a plastic biohazard bag.

Refrigerate the stool sample IMMEDIATELY and deliver to the Laboratory as soon as possible after completion of the collection.

The sample must arrive at the Laboratory within 24 hours of collection, during normal hours of operation; 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

You must present your MCP and your requisition to the Laboratory personnel.