Midstream Urine (Culture and Sensitivity)

Before You Start...

  • Read the instructions carefully, and follow each step as directed.
  • Early morning urine samples are preferred.
  • Use the sterile screw-lid urine container provided by the laboratory.

Step 1
Wash and dry your hands thoroughly.

Step 2
Remove the lid on the container and set it aside. Do Not touch the inner surface of the lid or the container.

Step 3
For women, keep the legs apart and hold the skin folds apart while voiding. For men, retract the foreskin (if uncircumcised) while voiding.

Step 4
Clean genital area with towelette prior to voiding

Step 5
Pass a small amount of urine into the toilet.

Step 6
Midway through urination, fill the container to half full.

Step 7
Finish voiding in the toilet.

Step 8
Replace the lid and tighten firmly.

Step 9
Wash and dry your hands thoroughly after collection.

Step 10
Label the container with the patient’s first and last name, MCP, date of birth, and the date and time of collection of the sample.

Step 11
For sanitary reasons, the container must be enclosed in a plastic biohazard bag.

Refrigerate the urine sample IMMEDIATELY and deliver to the Laboratory as soon as possible after completion of the collection.

Urine refrigerated for more than 24 hours cannot be used for “Culture” or “C & S” and will be rejected by the Laboratory.

You must present your MCP and your Requisition to the Laboratory Personnel.