Semen Sample

Before You Start...

  • Please read these instructions carefully, and follow each step as directed.
  • Contact your local laboratory to confirm hours of operation, testing availability, delivery requirements, etc.
  • Do not ejaculate (either through sexual intercourse or masturbating) for at least 3 days before collection.

Step 1
Use the sterile screw-lid collection container provided by the Laboratory. The container should be at room temperature at the time of collection.

Step 2
Remove the lid from the container and set it aside.

Step 3
Collect the entire sample directly into the container. The total volume of the ejaculate is to be saved. Note: DO NOT collect the sample into a condom. Condoms contain a powder which destroys sperm.

Step 4
Keep the container and sample as clean as possible; do not touch the inside of the container.

Step 5
Replace the lid onto the container and tighten firmly.

Step 6
Label the container with the patient’s first and last names, MCP, date of birth, and the date and time of collection of the sample.

Step 7
For sanitary reasons, the container must be enclosed in a plastic bag.

Step 8
Keep the sample container at body temperature during transport to the Laboratory (e.g. place the container in an inside jacket pocket).

Step 9
The sample must arrive at one of the Laboratory locations (listed below) within 30 minutes of collection:

Western Memorial Regional Hospital
Laboratory - Lower Level
Fertility 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Vasectomy 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Dr. Charles L. LeGrow Health Centre
Laboratory - Main Level
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Sir Thomas Roddick Hopsital
Blood Collection Clinic - Main Level
7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.