Referral / Admission

Admission to Humberwood Centre is voluntary. Individuals may refer themselves or be referred by a community professional such as an addictions counselor, physician, nurse, social worker, psychologist, family member or friend.

  • Individuals must undergo an assessment of their addiction problem which explores level of functioning in life areas, extent of addiction and treatment goals.
  • A medical assessment is also required. This process will determine suitability for inpatient treatment.
  • Individuals accepted for admission will be given an admission date. Wait times vary.
  • With the exception of those entering a withdrawal management bed, all individuals are asked to abstain from alcohol/drugs for five days prior to their admission date.
  • While attending the program all clients are expected to be alcohol/drug/gambling free, with the exception of approved prescription medications.
  • Humberwood Centre does not permit the use of mood-altering substances such as narcotics, tranquilizers or sleeping medications.

Screening and Assessment

Referral to Humberwood Centre requires the completion of a biopsychosocial assessment. In addition to this assessment, clients may receive further screening and/or assessment during their stay. This includes:

  • Medical Assessment. All clients receive a medical assessment at the beginning of the program. This will determine if they are medically fit to participate in the treatment program and highlight any medical concerns for follow up.
  • Screening for concurrent mental health issues.
  • Screening and/or assessment of suicide risk, aggressive behaviour, risks associated with IV drug use, and financial issues.
  • Psychological assessment related to cognitive or neurological functioning or personality.