Coping & Resiliency

Resilience is the ability to recover from difficulties or change-to function as well as before and move forward. Many refer to this as "bouncing back" from challenges (CAMH, 2009).

Our 10 Tips on Growing Up Resilient display can be borrowed by community partners  for education and awareness events.

Want to know more about resiliency? Check out the following additional resources:

Chapter 2  - Understanding Resilience, an exerpt from Growing Up Resilient: Ways to Build Resilience in Children and Youth. For more information on this book, check out CAMH website here.

Brochure - Raising Resilient Children & Youth

The Community Mental Health Association also has a page on resilience, which offers Mental Fitness Tips and a Mental Health Meter to help  reflect on your unique strengths and identify areas where your level of mental fitness could be improved to help you cope with all of life's up and downs. Check it out here.

Feelings Poster & Share Your Feelings Sticker Activity
Sometimes it can be difficult to express our emotions & share how we feel. Use this sticker to a draw a face to share your feelings. Stickers available upon request. 


Balloon Breathing
Kids Yoga
Managing Big Emotions
My Body...

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