Disclaimer/Copyright Statement


Western Health provides information on this Web site as a public service. We cannot guarantee that all information is current or accurate. Users should verify the information before acting upon it. Although we make every effort to ensure that all information is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its integrity.

The use of this Web site is subject to the following terms and conditions and constitutes the user’s agreement to those terms and conditions. Western Health provides information on this web site solely for the user’s information and it is provided without warranty, guarantee or responsibility of any find, either express or implied. Western Health and its employees will not be liable for any loss or damages of any nature either direct or indirect, arising from use of the information provided on this Web site or information on any other site that can be accessed from this site.

Links from this site to other sites are presented as a convenience to user. Western Health does not accept any responsibility for the content, accuracy, reliability or currency found on external sites.


Western Health is the owner of copyright in all information found on this Web site unless otherwise stated. Where Western Health is the owner of copyright in information on this Web site, we hereby grant permission for the information on this web site to be used by the public and non-government organizations. Persons and organizations using this information agree to indemnify and save harmless Western Health against any claims or actions of any kind or manner resulting from its use.