Interventional Radiology

Angiography (examination of the blood vessels and blood flow) and Interventional Radiology procedures are arranged via consultation between your Specialist/physician and a Radiologist.

  • An appointment is required and will be made through your Specialist’s/ physician’s office.
  • Your preparation instructions are available from the Specialist’s/physician’s office or the Medical Imaging Scheduling Office.
  • Vascular procedures require that you visit the pre-admission clinic (PAC) before your procedure is done. Recovery time is usually required in the Medical Imaging Recovery Room after the procedure.
  • Interventional procedures, ie. PICC lines, hemodialysis catheters, may or may not require recovery time, however you will be notified prior to your procedure if recovery time is required.
Location Hours Contact
Western Memorial Regional Hospital, Corner Brook 
Medical Imaging Department
Ground Floor, on the left side of the main corridor.
Monday to Friday:
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM