Community Trauma Response Team

Community Trauma Response Team

The goal of the Community Trauma Response Team is to help people and communities cope with tragedies and their effects. Teams includes representatives from different Community and Government Agencies who work together to respond to the needs of community members who have experienced a traumatic event.

Have you experienced a traumatic event?

A traumatic event is any event that causes you to experience unusually strong emotional reactions that might get in the way of your ability to return to daily activities.

Some examples include:
• An actual or perceived threat to your life.
• Severe physical harm or injury.
• Witnessing a death or serious injury.
• Accidentally causing harm to another.

It is very normal for people to have aftershocks when they have gone through a horrible event.

If you have ever experienced a traumatic event, community support and services can be identified and accessed by calling Mental Health & Addiction Services. See contact listing below.

This brochure (Have You Experienced A Traumatic Event) provides additional information about possible reactions and coping following trauma (PDF).

Mental Health & Addiction Services
Bonne Bay/Norris Point: 458-2381 extension 266
Burgeo: 886-2185
Corner Brook: 634-4506
Deer Lake: 635-7830
Port aux Basques: 695-6250
Port Saunders: 861-9125
Stephenville: 643-8740

In the event of a Mental Health Crisis, please call 811.